As part of our Identity Inquiry
this term we are asking ourselves “How do I learn best?” Today we set about
defining what learning actually means to us. We organised our thinking using a
SOLO hot map and then wrote the following summary together as a class.
WALT – Define Learning
Learning is the gaining of
knowledge, values or skills through experience, practise, or study or by being
taught. However not all learning takes
place only at school, people learn throughout their lives from friends, family,
workmates and by educating themselves.
Ways we can learn include
reading, watching and listening to others. Learning is also gaining knowledge
of skills that are useful and can be used to make our lives better. For example
learning to drive can help us get to places quicker and be able to get to work.
Gaining knowledge without
using it in our opinion isn't really learning. Learning is when people take new
information and use it in their daily lives.
Being able to learn is
important for our futures because without it we wouldn't be able to have good
jobs and be successful in life.
We think our definition is
relational because we have several ideas about what learning is and said how
learning is important for our futures.
Wow! This is impressive Room 5. Keep up the excellent thinking.