Monday, 16 March 2015

Becoming a Kiwi

The X-Men read ‘Becoming a Kiwi’ by Sun Lyoung Kim. They then had to use clues in the text to find the sights, sounds and
feelings Joshua experienced during his citizenship ceremony.

New Zealand Flag – Sebastian

Lots of people in good clothes – Kevin

A big wooden chair like a throne – Jolui

A mayor dressed in a red robe with a shiny necklace – Amelia

Like his mum was going to cry - Sativa

Lots of languages being spoken with people from Korea, Romania and South Africa – Kevin

Crying because people were getting upset - Sebastian
Nervous because his heart was pumping and his hands were wet – Kishan

Worried in case he couldn’t remember all the hard words – Sebastian

Mum felt sad because they would not be Korean citizens any more – Amelia

He felt proud to be a New Zealand citizen – Espen


Becoming a Kiwi

Joshua experienced different sights, sounds and feelings during his family’s citizenship ceremony.

As he entered the special room at Whangarei council he saw the New Zealand flag, a wooden chair like a throne and a lot of people in good clothes.

During the ceremony he heard a lot of languages being spoken all around him and he also heard crying.

Also during the ceremony Joshua felt nervous because his heart was pumping and his hands were wet. He was also worried about forgetting some of the words he had to say.

After the ceremony Joshua felt proud to be a New Zealand citizen, he was also excited because he got to wear the mayor’s robe. However his mum felt sad because they would not be Korean citizens anymore.

Overall we think Joshua’s experience was positive because he got to wear the mayor’s robe, didn't forget his words and was asked “Are you happy being a Kiwi?” which he replied, “Yes” with a big smile.

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