Thursday, 30 April 2015


During our trip to Piha we collected some small items from the beach. Using a pro-scope Ansh took these incredible photos. Do you recognise any of the items we collected?

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Piha Trip

This term we are studying environments, in particular New Zealand coastal environments. Today we went to Piha Beach to explore a coastal environment. A big thank you to all our parent helpers.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

ANZAC Commemoration

On Friday Halsey Drive School had a special service to commemorate ANZAC Day. Thank you to our guests from the RSA who spoke to us about the Gallipoli landings.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Poppy Poetry

Here is an example of our ANZAC poetry. We thought about how the poppies would have experienced the war and used this as inspiration for our poetry.

Why do we wear poppies?

The X-Men after reading Dawn Parade by Philippa Werry answered the question of why we wear poppies during ANZAC Day.

The ANZAC Button

The 'Justice League' collaborated on using key words to summarise the ANZAC button by Judy Raymond.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

War Time Radio Broadcast

The 'Avengers' created their very own wartime radio broadcast like the one that may have been heard in the story "The Long, Long Night" by Oha Kaa.


The 'Justice League" created an ANZAC A-Z. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

The Long, Long Night

The Avengers read 'The Long, Long Night' by Oha Kaa. They then had to use their visualisation skills to describe what it would have been like for people living on the coast in New Zealand during World War II.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Dawn Parade

The X-Men read Dawn Parade by Philippa Werry. They then had to use the information in the text to describe Leo and his dad's experience during the dawn parade.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Eli and Arav's Inquiry

Here is Eli and Arav's Inquiry presentation. The boys wanted to learn how to make movies. The first video shows them experimenting with stop motion animation.

This next video shows their completed stop motion animation. The boys drew some of the characters, created the background, filmed and edited their movie all by themselves. Enjoy

After creating a stop motion animation the boys then wanted to learn how to use I Movie to create a movie trailer. Please don't watch this in the dark!!

Torres' Inquiry

Here is Torres' Inquiry presentation.

Israel's Inquiry

Here is Israel's Inquiry presentation.

Samarah's Inquiry

Here is Samarah's Inquiry presentation. GOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!!!

Sherlyn's Inquiry

As part of our Inquiry the children of Room 5 were given the opportunity to learn for themselves a new skill or gain knowledge in an area of personal interest. Here is Sherlyn's presentation of her inquiry research. Enjoy


In Geometry today we learned about tangrams. The tangram is a puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. Here is an example of some of the shapes we made today, Do you know what they all are?

Grandma Vs Mrs Twit

The Justice League compared two Roald Dahl characters Mrs Twit and Grandma from George's Marvellous Medicine. 

WALT – Compare two Roald Dahl Characters

Roald Dahl created many classic characters in his books such as Charlie, Mr Fox, Matilda, The BFG and James with his Giant peach. Two memorable characters are Mrs Twit and Grandma from George’s Marvellous Medicine. These two characters share many similarities such as being old, ugly, gross, getting tricked and being mean to children.

Firstly Roald Dahl made each character disgusting and gross. Mrs Twit made spaghetti with worms and hid her glass eye in Mr Twit’s beer. Where as Grandma ate beetles, cockroaches and other bugs. We think Grandma though is the most gross because eating bugs is worse than making someone else eat them.

Roald Dahl also made both characters extremely ugly. Grandma had pale brown teeth and a mouth like a puckered up dog’s bottom. On the other hand Mrs Twit had yellow teeth, a wonky glass eye and ugly thoughts that showed on her face. We believe Mrs Twit was the uglier character because her ugly thoughts made her grow uglier by the passing year.

Both characters also got tricked in their stories. Grandma was tricked into drinking George’s marvellous medicine, which made her grow tall, and eventually shrink until she disappeared. However Mrs Twit was tricked into thinking she was shrinking and was stretched by balloons. We agree that Mrs Twit got tricked the worst because she was stretched by balloons and was also made to stand on her head until she disappeared.

Overall we believe that Mrs Twit is the most disgusting, gross, ugly and cruel character that Roald Dahl created.  Some people may argue that Grandma is worse but as you can see from the reasons above Mrs Twit is simply AWFUL.

We believe our comparison is extended abstract because we gave several similarities and differences, explained our reasons and made an overall statement.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Frances Hodgkins Portraits

In art we have completed our Frances Hodgkins 'Still Life Portrait' inspired artworks. Our portraits needed to feature images that represented our likes, culture, hobbies and identity. Below are some examples of our work and the artwork that inspired them.

Complex Sentences

WALT – Write Complex Sentences

A complex sentence has one main idea and at least one extra phrase or clause to give more information about the main point. For example  - The owl sat patiently on the branch while he searched for his prey.

The conjunctions we were using to build our complex sentences included: where, as, although, when, because, as though, since, until, before, after and so that. 

The colourful parrot flew into the tree so that she could protect her babies from predators. - Nuha

The wind blew up on the mountaintop as the sun was rising behind the clouds. - Eli

Hemish laughed loudly at the circus until tears started streaming down his face. - Priscilla

The cowboy rode a black horse through town as a storm approached. - Hemish

Espen and Jolui played on the basketball team until someone showed them how to play cricket. - Nuha

I often eat salad although I don’t like eating vegetables. – Samarah

Samarah rang the police although there was no crime to report. - Ansh

Ansh's Rounding and Compensating Strategy

Here is Ansh describing how to use the maths strategy of rounding and compensating.

Ansh's Equal Additions

Here is Ansh describing how to use the maths strategy of equal additions.

Samarah And Skye's Maths Strategies

Here are Samarah and Skye describing how to use different maths strategies when solving addition and subtraction problems.

Nuha's Maths Strategies

Here is Nuha describing how to use different maths strategies when solving addition and subtraction problems.