Tuesday, 4 August 2015

First Hunt

The Avengers read 'First Hunt' by Amanda Jackson. They then evaluated the claim that "Hunting Wild Animals is Wrong" Do you agree with their opinions?

It is Wrong to Hunt Wild Animals

We agree with the claim that it is wrong to hunt wild animals. One reason that supports this claim is that if you hunt wild animals it might cause the extinction of that animal. For example if an animal is hunted to the point of extinction other animals in that food chain will be affected.

Other people may disagree and say it is OK to hunt wild animals because it is a family tradition or part of their culture. For example the family from ‘First Hunt’ are Maori and were hunting to collect a pig for their hangi.

On the other hand a reason why people would want to hunt wild animals is to collect meat for eating. People need food to survive and meat can provide energy and nutrients.

A further reason why people should not hunt wild animals is that it can be cruel. Most of the people in my class believe it is cruel because it causes the animals unnecessary pain when they are shot or caught in traps.

Overall We believe it is wrong to hunt wild animals because of the cruelty involved and how it can affect not only the animal that is being hunted but other animals within the food chain.

By Samarah 

It is Wrong to Hunt Wild Animals

We agree with the claim that it is wrong to hunt wild animals. One reason that supports this claim is it is cruel to shoot or trap animals. For example if you do not kill the animal instantly it will feel unnecessary pain. 18/19 people in my class agreed that hunting is cruel.

Other people may disagree and say it is OK to hunt wild animals because people eat the wild animals that they hunt. People need food to survive and meat can provide necessary energy and protein. In the story ‘First Hunt’ the family hunt the wild pig for a hangi.

A further reason why people should not hunt wild animals is that people might over hunt an animal species causing extinction. Extinction causes food chains to get interrupted causing a massive impact on other animals.

On the other hand a reason why people would want to hunt wild animals is it could be a tradition or part of a person’s culture. Hunting is a traditional past time for Maori.

Overall We believe it is wrong to hunt wild animals because of the cruelty involved and how it can affect not only the animal that is being hunted but other animals within the food chain.

By Nuha 

It is Wrong to Hunt Wild Animals

We agree with the claim that it is wrong to hunt wild animals. One reason that supports this claim is if you always hunt a certain animal it may cause it to become extinct and when the animal is extinct the food chain will be negatively impacted. For example if rabbits became extinct foxes would lose their prey.

Other people may disagree and say it is OK to hunt wild animals because your family may have a tradition of hunting like the family in the story ‘First Hunt’.

A further reason why people should not hunt wild animals is that if while hunting the animal you take a shot and not shoot the animal in the head or heart and by accident shoot it in the tummy or leg the animal then will be feeling unnecessary pain before it dies. This would be cruel to the animal.

On the other hand a reason why people would want to hunt wild animals is it may be a culture's tradition to hunt and eat or sacrifice wild animals to the gods e.g. in some parts of Asia or in the Maori culture.

Overall We believe it is wrong to hunt wild animals because of the cruelty involved and how it can affect not only the animal that is being hunted but other animals within the food chain.

By Kevin 

It is Wrong to Hunt Wild Animals

We agree with the claim that it is wrong to hunt wild animals. One reason that supports this claim is that hunting may cause the extinction of the hunted animal and affect the food chain. For example people hunted moas and eventually they became extinct.

Other people may disagree and say it is OK to hunt wild animals because the people need food for survival. For example hunting wild animals provides people with meat and their bodies with energy and protein.

A further reason why people should not hunt wild animals is it can cause by cruel. It is cruel because the animals may not die straight away from being shot or may be caught in painful traps.

On the other hand a reason why people would want to hunt wild animals is because it could be part of people's culture or a traditional sport of a country. For example a traditional sport in the UK is fox hunting.

Overall We believe it is wrong to hunt wild animals because of the cruelty involved and how it can affect not only the animal that is being hunted but other animals within the food chain.

By Torres 


  1. Pinky Wadhwania4 August 2015 at 21:10

    Thanks for explaining to me the context around your published thoughts. It is nice to see the cultural contexts too!

  2. This was a difficult choice to make as you gave good reasons for bothe sides of the argument. I do think though that shooting animals can cause them unnecessary pain - which is not right. A good job team you worked very well collaborating on the SOLO map.

  3. Well done Room 5. These pieces of writing were very well balanced and looked at the issue from different perspectives - which is really important. I was impressed by some of the sophisticated words you used in your writing - eg extinction, sacrifice, massive, impact and nutrients. Super writing!

  4. Firoz Wadhwania8 August 2015 at 10:30

    So what I understand is hunting is cruel but also necessary from the arguments. It would be nice if you can come up with suggestion how to fix this problem.

    Overall good point
